Poultry Solutions


Pilmico Poultry Solutions breeder feeds are formulated with the FERTILÉ concept that boosts the breeding capacity of the flock by improving fertile egg production, increasing hatchability and producing quality chicks to achieve optimum productivity and financial return.

Peak Fertility

A performance-enhancing feed design that expresses the full breeding potential of the flock for maximum fertile egg production.

The Fertilé formula utilizes highly digestible and bioavailable ingredients that are intended to provide stage-specific reproduction and maintenance requirements and supplements; while gut health promoters, anti-stress factors and immunomodulators ensure its utmost utilization by preventing nutrient diversion.

This intricate breeder formulation effectively adapts to the demands of the breeding parent stocks to achieve excellent egg production on an extended laying cycle.

Excellent Hatchability

A combination of direct and indirectly acting components that improves egg quality, primarily shell integrity, for significantly increased hatching eggs.

Minerals and vitamins involved in the metabolic process of eggshell formation are incorporated in highly bioavailable forms and ideal retention (for Calcium) to guarantee proper egg shell development integral for the incubation success; and supplemented with bicarbonate and antioxidants to ameliorate the detrimental effects of heat stress.

The generous provision of these key factors consequently builds eggshell integrity to reduce the percentage of rejected and bad eggs.

Superior Chick Quality

An adequate blend of passed-on nutrients that provides the needs of the developing embryo and the hatching chick for improved posthatch performance.

Increased supplementation of the maternal diet with vitamins and minerals essential for proper embryonic development and various antioxidants for protection against oxidative stress improves overall chick viability. This optimal blend of nutrients intentionally considers the ideal hatched chick condition to improve hatchery survival and growth rate.


Poultry Solutions Breeder Starter

A complete ration for day-old chicks intended to be breeders up to 6 weeks of age. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the future breeding flock and support efficient growth and proper bone development. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to optimize gut health and increase resistance against diseases and tolerance against heat stress that consequently improve their livability and uniform growth.

Poultry Solutions Breeder Grower

A complete ration for growing breeders from 6 to 16 weeks of age or approximately 2 weeks prior to point-of-lay as follow through to Poultry Solutions Breeder Starter. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the future breeding flock and achieve an ideal body frame for the laying phase. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to support proper reproductive development and promote bone integrity that consequently improve their productivity and longevity.

Poultry Solutions Breeder Pre-lay

A complete ration for breeder pullets from 16 weeks of age until 5% egg production is achieved as follow through to Poultry Solutions Breeder Grower. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the pullets to build up nutrient reserves in preparation for the onset of laying and to facilitate an ideal transition into a high calcium feed. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to support reproductive function and promote bone integrity that consequently improve their productivity and longevity.

Poultry Solutions Breeder Layer 1

A complete ration for breeder hens from 5% egg production until 35 weeks of age as follow through to Poultry Solutions Breeder Pre-lay. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the breeding hens for optimal transfer of nutrients to its progenies and maximum number of fertile eggs while growing towards mature body weight. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to support optimum dietary electrolyte balance and efficient osmoregulation that consequently improves egg quality and hatchability.

Poultry Solutions Breeder Layer 2

A complete ration for breeder hens from 35 weeks of age until end of laying cycle as follow through to Poultry Solutions Breeder Layer 1. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the breeding hens for sustained egg production and fertility while maintaining the ideal body condition and uniformity. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to improve the antioxidant defense of these older chickens that consequently increase their resistance and maintain good egg hatchability

Poultry Solutions Breeder Layer 3

A complete ration for breeder hens from 50 weeks of age until end of laying cycle as follow through to Poultry Solutions Breeder Layer 2. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the breeding hens for extended and consistent egg production and quality as they approach the end of the laying cycle. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to augment bioavailability of vitamins and minerals that consequently enhance egg shell quality and achieve higher eggs sold per hen housed.

Poultry Solutions Breeder Male

A complete ration for breeder cocks from 20 weeks of age until end of productive life. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the male breeder for proper musculoskeletal and reproductive development. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to improve performance and semen quality that consequently improves egg fertility.


Corn, Soybean Meal, Wheat, Pollard, Rice Bran D1, Copra Cake, Vegetable Oil, Full Fat Soya, Fish Meal, Corn By-products, Synthetic Amino Acids, Choline Chloride, Salt, Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Antioxidant, Mold Inhibitor, Feed Enzymes, Specialized Feed Additives, Vitamins and Trace Minerals

Guaranteed Analysis

Product Breeder Starter Breeder Grower Breeder Pre-lay  Breeder
Layer 1
Layer 2
Crude Protein, NLT% 17.00 13.00 13.00 15.00 14.00 13.00
Crude Fat, NLT% 3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00  3.00
Crude Fiber, NMT% 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50
Moisture, NMT%  12.00 12.00  12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Calcium, %  0.80 – 1.20 0.80 – 1.20 1.00 – 1.20 3.00 – 3.40 3.20 – 3.60 0.80 – 1.20
Phosphorus, NLT%  0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

Feeding Guide for Breeders

Product Feeding Schedule, age in weeks Feeding Duration, weeks Daily Allocation, g/bird
Breeder Starter 0 – 6 6 10 – 40
Breeder Grower 6 – 16  10  40 – 80
Breeder Pre-lay 16 – 19 3 max of 1kg total*
Breeder Layer 1 19 – 35 26 100 – 110
Breeder Layer 2 35 – end of cycle**  –  110 – 115
Breeder Male 20 – culling 120 – 170

*Total allocation for the whole feed stage.
**On a three-phase diet program, Breeder Layer 3 can be given at 50 weeks of age until the end of the laying cycle.


Fueling Your Flock through a Three-Layer Diet

During each layer flock stage, the nutritional requirements, primarily for protein, amino acids, energy, and key minerals, constantly change as their laying performance evolves.

Hens require the highest amount of protein and energy levels with the appropriate level of calcium during the start of their egg-laying phase to support their growth and onset of lay until peak egg production. This also ensures the optimal transfer of nutrients to their offspring and achieving the maximum number of fertile eggs while reaching mature weight.

Once hens reach their peak performance in terms of laying percentage and egg mass output, it’s essential to provide them with the optimal amount of protein, energy level, and calcium to maintain their ideal body composition and promote uniformity within the flock. These help to sustain high levels of egg production and maintain hens’ body weight.

As layer flocks age, their protein and energy requirements decrease while their need for calcium increases due to reduced calcium absorption efficiency. By increasing their calcium intake, they can maintain consistent egg production and quality as they approach the end of the laying cycle.