Poultry Solutions


Pilmico Poultry Solutions layer feeds are designed with MAXILAY nutrition that maximizes the laying capacity of the flock by improving egg production, enhancing shell quality and extending productive life to achieve peak efficiency and financial return.

Prime Productivity

A performance-enhancing feed design that expresses the full laying potential of the flock for maximum egg production.

The MaxiLay formula utilizes highly digestible and bioavailable ingredients that are intended to provide stage-specific requirements of the layers; while gut health promoters, anti-stress factors and immunomodulators ensure its utmost utilization by preventing nutrient diversion.

This intricate layer feed formulation effectively adapts to the nutritional and health demands of the laying hen to achieve excellent hen-housed egg production.

Reliable Egg Quality

A combination of direct and indirectly acting components that improves egg quality, primarily shell integrity, for significantly increased saleable eggs.

Minerals and vitamins involved in the metabolic process of eggshell formation are incorporated in highly bioavailable forms and ideal retention (for Calcium) to guarantee proper egg shell development and reduce environmental contamination; and supplemented with bicarbonate and antioxidants to ameliorate the detrimental effects of heat stress.

The generous provision of these key factors consequently increases eggshell breaking strength to reduce the percentage of broken eggs.

Extended Utilization

A tandem of stage-specific formulations that delivers the changing requirements of different laying stages for extended productive life.

The amino acid and energy profile accounts the continued growth and development during the start of lay which then transitions to cater the higher export of nutrients along with bigger egg outputs of older birds; in addition, the right calcium form and liver support contributes to the maintenance of skeletal integrity and hepatic health, respectively.

These pro-longevity balanced rations considerably prolong the efficient laying phase to reduce early flock depletion rate.


Poultry Solutions Chick Starter

A complete ration for day-old chicks intended to be pullets up to 6 weeks of age. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the future laying flock and support efficient growth and proper bone development. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to increase resistance against diseases and heat stress that consequently improve feed conversion and uniform growth.

Poultry Solutions Chick Grower

A complete ration for growing pullets from 6 to 16 weeks of age or approximately 2 weeks prior to point-of-lay as follow through to Poultry Solutions Chick Starter. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the future laying flock and achieve an ideal body frame for the laying phase. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to support proper reproductive development and promote bone integrity that consequently improve their productivity and longevity.

Poultry Solutions Chicken Pre-lay

A complete ration for pullets from 16 weeks of age until 5% egg production is achieved, approximately 19 weeks of age, as follow through to Poultry Solutions Chick Grower. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the pullets to build up nutrient reserves in preparation for the onset of laying and to facilitate an ideal transition into a high calcium feed. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to support reproductive function and promote bone integrity that consequently improve their productivity and longevity.

Poultry Solutions Chicken Layer 1

A complete ration for layers from 5% egg production, approximately 19 weeks of age, until 45 weeks of age, as follow through to Poultry Solutions Chicken Pre-lay. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the laying flock for earlier attainment and maintenance of peak egg production and size during this time of high nutrient demand. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to support optimum dietary electrolyte balance and efficient osmoregulation that consequently improve all egg quality parameters and prolong freshness.

Poultry Solutions Chicken Layer 2

A complete ration for layers from 45 weeks of age until end of laying cycle as follow through to Poultry Solutions Chicken Layer 1. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the laying flock for sustained egg production and quality while maintaining the ideal body condition of the aging flock. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to improve antioxidant defense, liver health and gut microflora balance that consequently increase their resistance and maintain good egg quality parameters.

Poultry Solutions Chicken Layer 3

A complete ration for layers from 65 weeks of age until end of laying cycle as follow through to Poultry Solutions Chicken Layer 2. It is carefully designed to match the nutrient requirements of the laying flock for extended and consistent egg production and quality as they approach the end of the laying cycle. It also contains specialized nutritional additives aimed to augment bioavailability of vitamins and minerals that consequently enhance egg shell quality and achieve higher eggs sold per hen housed.


Corn, Soybean Meal, Wheat, Pollard, Rice Bran D1, Copra Cake, Vegetable Oil, Full Fat Soya, Fish Meal, Corn By-products, Synthetic Amino Acids, Choline Chloride, Salt, Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Antioxidant, Mold Inhibitor, Feed Enzymes, Vitamins and Trace Minerals

Guaranteed Analysis

Product Chick Starter Chick Grower Chicken
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Crude Protein, NLT% 18.50 15.50 16.50 17.00 15.50 15.50
Crude Fat, NLT% 3.00  3.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Crude Fiber, NMT% 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Moisture, NMT%  12.00 12.00  12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Calcium, %  0.90 – 1.10  0.90 – 1.10 1.95 – 2.05 3.80 – 4.20 4.00 – 4.40 4.00 – 4.40
Phosphorus, NLT%  0.70  0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

Feeding Guide for Layers

Product Feeding Schedule, age in weeks Feeding Duration, weeks Daily Allocation, g/bird
Chick Starter 0 – 6 6 10 – 40
Chick Grower 6 – 16  10  40 – 80
Chicken Pre-lay 16 – 19 3 max of 1kg total*
Chicken Layer 1 19 – 45 26 100 – 110
Chicken Layer 2 45 – end of cycle**  –  110 – 115

*Total allocation for the whole feed stage.
**On a three-phase diet program, Chicken Layer 3 can be given at 65 weeks of age until the end of the laying cycle.



Pilmico receives 500 Egg Club award, first in Asia

Pilmico Animal Nutrition Corporation achieves a new milestone in the poultry production industry as its hens produce 500 eggs each at the 100th Week of age. Hendrix Genetics awarded Pilmico for being the first in the Philippines and Asia to accomplish this achievement.

This milestone was made possible through the right layer genetics and equipment, proper farm management, and high-quality poultry feeds of Pilmico. Poultry Solutions was formulated to achieve precise nutrition and express optimal growth and productivity of hens.