We produce premium-quality products for your animals and offer dedicated technical support. From ensuring the best nutrition to managing farm operations, we’re committed to helping you achieve both your animals’ well-being and your business’s success.

Pilmico Farms is your soruce for fresh, safe, and high quality products. We are dedicated to bringing you the best, wholesome foods, processed in our state-of-the-art facilities. Our farm-to-fork approach ensures transparency and traceability, so you know exactly what you are serving your family, business, and community.

Pilmico’s farm-fresh eggs are free from growth hormones, antibiotic residue, and diseases, delivering safe, nutritious goodness for your family, business, and community.

Live & Carcass
Sourced directly from our farms, we offer both live hogs and high-grade carcasses, including whole and headless options, all meeting the highest standards of quality and safety.