Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for Pilmico-Operated Meat-Cutting Plant in Butuan

06-10-16 Caraga Groundbreaking 3

The official groundbreaking ceremony of the new meat-cutting plant was held early Tuesday afternoon in Butuan City. Some work has already started on the plant, but Tuesday was all about acknowledging everyone who has helped get the project up and running.

The construction of the meat-cutting plant is a joint project of Happy Enterprises & Resources, Inc., Pilmico Animal Nutrition Corporation and Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development – PCCP / USDA. The facility will not only provide fresh, quality and safe meat to Butuanons and nearby provinces, it also gives local backyard farmers assured profit through the business model developed by Winrock and Pilmico. Local Caraga farmers are provided the right genetics and Pilmico feeds essential to producing quality pork.

Pilmico and its project partners are looking forward to the plant’s completion, largely because of the impact it will have on the Caraga region’s economy and its local farmers.

As true Partners for Growth, Caraganons are not only assured that the meat they will buy is clean and fresh but more importantly, it benefits the little guys at the very start of the food chain – the backyard farmers.

This kind of project has never been done before and with the plant’s expected success, it can be a business model that can be replicated in other parts of the country.

Plans for the official launch of the meat-cutting plant is scheduled in October.

Video original source: TV Patrol Caraga